Introduction to the Japanese language
and Japanese script

Introduction to the Japanese language and Japanese script

Compared to European languages, Japanese is to be envied for its simplicity in sentence structure! The clear subject-object-verb structure makes it pleasantly easy to express states and communicate needs. Morover, the learning process get help by the so-called particles. These are syllables, which, by following a part of the sentence, defines its function as subject or object or other.

Based on the students’ dedication to our defined vocabulary, our learners quickly develop a solid understanding of Japanese grammar and syntax. The said clarity and simplicity of Japanese sentence structure makes speaking this language an extremely enjoyable endeavour!

These are the questions the course addresses:
  • Are you ready to turn the sentences upside down? Syntax, grammar, translatability
  • Exercises on pronounciation of important phrases.
  • Hiragana, katakana or kanji characters what’s the difference?
  • What’s a stroke order? – It’s easier to understand with a brush.
  • Which textbook is recommendable for which learning target?
Time frame: 3 days
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